Vitalijs Skrivelis Was Affirmed as Chairman of the Board of LAKIFA
OREANDA-NEWS. On 28 May 2008 was announced, that LR Register of Companies has approved the changes in the stuff of the board of Association of Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry (LAKIFA). Vitalijs Skrivelis, member of the board of AS Grindeks, director of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Business Structure, is affirmed as chairman of the board of the association. Former chairman of the board Valdis Jakobsons his activity in the association of his own free will.
In 1985 V. Skrivelis graduated from the University Of Latvia Faculty Of Biology and in 2002 was awarded the MBA degree in Riga Business Institute. Since 1993 V. Skrivelis works in AS Grindeks, previously held the office of general director, was the deputy director in Production issues. Before that he was a researcher in the Institute of Molecular Biology of Latvian Academy of Sciences.
„Next 5 years are time of possibilities for the member of the association and for the association itself,” believes the chairman of the board of LAKIFA Vitalijs Skrivelis, ”firstly, we have to find cooperation possibilities with other progressive association in Latvia – IT, engineering industry and biotechnology. Secondly, we have to extend our activity in the region of the Baltic Sea in order to form North European Pharmacy and Chemistry Cluster Alliance jointly in cooperation with regional association of pharmacy and chemistry. As the chairman of the board of association I pledge to facilitate the cooperation and joint projects and I definitely shall not support “individual farmer” strategy among the members of the association”.
Hereafter also Ivars Kalviтр (Institute of Organic Synthesis), Зriks Delamare (Loreal Baltija), Andris Jegorovs (Olainfarm), Laila Pзtersona (Valmieras Glass Fibre), Uldis Bariss (Bang&Bonsomer) and Valentins Kukarзviиs (Sakret plus) shall be engaged in the board of LAKIFA.
Association of Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry works since 1995. It is formed by enterprises that work in the branch of production and distribution of pharmaceutical products, chemical substances and reagents, rubber, coating materials, detergents and cleaning agents, cosmetic products and consumer goods.
LAKIFA is non-profit making association that represents the interest of businessmen in government, parliament, and administrative bodies. The experience and competence of the members of association enables to formulate the opinion of industrial enterprises represent the employers in solving those issues that are directly connected with the activity of the enterprise, incorporate in legislation process and productively use all possibilities to influence the outcome of the processes. At the moment there are 42 members in the association.