Inteco Will Raise a Mixed-Use Complex in West Moscow
OREANDA-NEWS. On 28 May 2008 was announced, that CJSC INTECO plans to put up an office and hotel centre with the area of about 234,000 square metres on the lands of Matveevsky state farm in west Moscow.
The Moscow City Government’s decree No 420 about the approval of the city-planning substantiation of the construction of the mixed-use administrative complex at Aminievskoe Highway was signed on May 20. The site of INTECO calls the project Newton_park.
According to the daily, the complex will contain several office buildings with various numbers of stories (125,400 square metres) and a 23-storey hotel (18,150 square metres).
The concept stipulates the creation of a city park on basis of an apple orchard existed on the site. The company is to launch the construction in July 2008.