OREANDA-NEWS. May 27, 2008. JSC "Generation Company" and Kazan CHP-3 became Laureates in competition "Golden medal "European Quality" in nomination "100 Best Organizations of Russia. " Ecology and Environmental Management", held as part of All -Russia conference " Ecology and Production. Prospects of Development of Economical Mechanisms of Environmental Control".

Arranged by International Academy of Quality and Marketing with involvement of Committee of Council of Federation of RF for Science, Culture, Education, Health Care, Ecology the competition has to promote formation of public image of ecology and social responsibility in environmental control and minimization of negative impact on environment. Significant aspect of assessment of environmental control became the accounting of investments in nature protection and environmental management. About three hundred companies and entities by recommendations of subjects of RF and regional administrations were involved.

As a result of systematic actions by JSC "Generation Company" in upgrading and repair of the facilities reduction of costs fro own needs, realization of nature protection compared to 2006 the gross emission of polluting staff into air reduced by 45%, water consumption reduced by 35.5%. Выбросы NОx сокращены на 40,4%, emission SO2 – на 82,8%. Amount of water drainage to surface ponds reduced by 59.1% including the dirty drained waters by 98.5%. Wastes for recycling within the year increased by 49.9 th. t and was 96.2% оf total wastes, transferred by the outside companies. The same figure in 2006 was 91.9%, in 2005 – 83.4%. Investments for realization of nature protection compared to 2006 increased by 1.9 times and were over 159.8 m. rubles. Prevented environmental damage was over 23.3 m. rubles, in 2005-2007. – over 67.9 m. rubles. Significant actions in the last year were actions at Kazan CHP-3: construction of 1 turn of slime pit with scheme of slime drying water pre-treatment, utilization of drainage waters with remote control system at desalting facility, system of on-going waste control.

Pursuant to environmental policy of the Company in each branch have been adopted the environmental programs, were determined the criteria of assessment of nature protection. Environmental Control is done pursuant to Regulations on it. In 2007 the personnel was trained in internal audit, the branch Zainsk GRES was prepared for certification of environment control according to requirements of international Standard ISO 14001:2004.

For efficient activity in the issues of environment control the power company was repeatedly awarded prizes and Diplomas. In 2006 году JSC "Tatenergo" and branch of JSC "Generation Company" of Nizhnekamsk CHP became the Laureates of competition in nomination "100 Best Organizations of Russia. "Ecology and Environmental Management". The Company and the branches are winners in annual Republican competition "ECOleader", held by Cabinet of Ministers of RT in 2003-2007, national award "EcoMir" (2006-2007), winners of award "Russian Power Olympus" (2007).