Baltikums Bankas Grupa Share Capital Increased to 30.257 mln. LVL
OREANDA-NEWS. On 26 May 2008 was announced, that as a result of the new share emission JSC Baltikums Bankas Grupa (BBG) paid up share capital has been increased by LVL 10,400,000 to LVL 30,257,000.
The emission has been fully subscribed to and paid up by the Bank's shareholders – SIA Alexander Peshkov Family Holdings, SIA Sergey Peshkov Holdings, SIA Oleg Chepulsky Holdings and SIA Andrey Kochetkov Holdings.
After increase of share capital of BBG, shares will be distributed among shareholders (residents of Latvia) as follows:
SIA Alexander Peshkov Family Holdings – 25%;
SIA Sergey Peshkov Holdings – 25%;
SIA Oleg Chepulsky Holdings – 25%;
SIA Andrey Kochetkov Holdings – 25%.
BBG has 100% interest in JSC Akciju komercbanka Baltikums.