Infrastructure Construction Works Were Commenced at Kozmino Oil Port
OREANDA-NEWS. On 22 May 2008 was announced, that according to the representative of the Nakhodka city press-service the road building and the site preparation works have been commenced for construction of the offshore terminal at Kozmino bay that will become the end point for the “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” (ESPO) oil pipeline.
As it was at the time reported the first phase of the project would see the port cargo turnover of 15 million tons of oil per year. Later when the pipeline will reach the Russian Pacific Ocean coast the annual freight traffic will grow up to 50 million tons. Oil will be supplied by rail and then pumped into the accumulator tank with further loading to the tankers before the pipeline will reach Kozmino.
Nakhodka’s administration has transferred 144 Ha land under the general tenancy for construction of the offshore oil port. At the same time “Transneft’s” affiliate – “Specializirovany morskoy neftenalivnoy port Kozmino” (Kozmino specialized offshore oil port) got for temporary use about ten more land lots where the constructors’ accommodation camp, construction material and equipment warehouses, transport parking grounds would be built. An oil rail loading overpass, a technological corridor with the 23 km long pipeline, a tank farm and several moorings will make the infrastructure of the modern terminal.
Nakhodka’s subcontracting company “Kompleks” has to execute a heavy preparation workload. 110 specialists and 80 units of equipment are engaged in construction of the approach roads and area clearing. Totally the subcontractor will excavate and remove about 2 million 200 thousand tons of the ground coat. Meanwhile the required resources are being mobilized in the region of the oil port construction; specialized equipment is being delivered by rail.
“According to economists’ estimations execution of the specialized oil port construction project will provide a powerful impetus for the development of the city economics. 4,8 thousand persons are planned to be engaged in construction. More than 4 thousand of them are Primorie region residents”, - Nakhodka’s administration press-service representative said.