Comstar-UTS Wired the National Emergencies Management Center
OREANDA-NEWS. On 20 May 2008 was announced, that Comstar – United Telesystems, a premier operator of integrated telecommunication services in Russia and the CIS, has provided the telephone service to the National Emergencies Management Center of the RF Emergency Situations Ministry (MChS).
The Center is charged with day-to-day management of the unified Russian Emergency Warning and Response System designed to support the management activities of MChS in the fields such as civil defense, protection of population and territories in emergencies, fire precautions, people’s security in water areas, and coordination of federal executive authorities within the System.
In partnership with RTI System concern, the Center’s main contractor, JSC Comstar-UTS, relying on its own telecom facilities in Moscow, has provided the Center with the needed numbering capacity and telephony services, Comstar had to meet the stringent requirements in terms of service immunity and robustness .
Sergey Boyev, VP for development of state programs and non-public assets at AFK SISTEMA and BOD Chairman at RTI System, said: ”One of Sistema’s big strengths is a synergy that can be derived from all its arms to produce new quality services and products. Through a many years’ cooperation with the State we acquired a considerable experience in implementation of the highly complex projects. The projects we deal with, continue to gain in magnitude, involving more an more Sistema businesses ”.
Sergey Shoygu, Ministers of Emergencies, in his letter sent to the JSC Comstar-UTS’ President Sergey Pridantsev expressed his gratitude for “active participation in the setup of the telecommunication systems and prompt solution of issues relating to provision of additional telephone numbers for the purposes of the newly created National Emergencies Management Center”.
Sergey Pridantsev, President of JSC Comstar-UTS commented: “Our company has a wealth of expertise in implementation of large-scale projects, including wiring of complex mixed-use sites. For proper operation of organizations like National Emergencies Management Center quality and uninterrupted service are critical. They are really essential for the key functions of state governance. On the part of our Company we are always willing to offer telecommunication solutions individually tailored to meet any challenging tasks”.
Thus, last April, JSC Comstar-UTS supplied telecommunication services for the US-Russian Summit in Sochi between the US President Georges Bush and the RF President Vladimir Putin. In 2006 the Company provided telecommunication services for the G8 meeting in Saint-Petersburg. The same year in May JSC Comstar-UTS set up a hot line on the base of its own call center for conducting a national agricultural census .
The National Emergencies Management Center is an intelligent next generation multi-tier management complex, which mission is to support round the clock the inter-departmental coordination, expeditious management and prompt response, warning and elimination of emergencies. Due to the latest technologies the Center can process in real time all types of information involving the global navigation satellite systems and to use the global monitoring capabilities based on techniques of Earth remote sensing from space.