Priorbank Reports on Its Activity in 1Q 2008
OREANDA-NEWS. May 15, 2008. The amount of profit generated by Priorbank in the first quarter of 2008 exceeded the level of the corresponding period in 2007 by 30% and made up 25 bn. BYR*. Return on equity equalled 25,6%, return on assets made up 2,3%, reported the press-centre of Priorbank.
As of 1 April, 2008 its equity capital reached 398 bn. BYR or an equivalent of 185 mln. USD. Authorised capital of “Priorbank” JSC amounts to 102,8 bn. BYR.
Priorbank’s net assets amounted to 4,564 bn. BYR or the equivalent of 2,1 bn. USD. Since the beginning of the current year they grew by 6 %.
The loan portfolio is 2,839 bn. BYR (1,323 mln. USD) and increased by 111 bn. BYR, or 4 %, since the beginning of the year. The share of loans in the bank’s assets made up 62 %. The share of problem loans hasn’t changed, remaining at a level of 0,8%.
Long-term loans in the loan portfolio make up 46% or 1,308 bn. BYR. Their main volume (74%) is in foreign currency.
Priorbank JSC offers its clients a wide spectrum of loan services. As of 1 April, 2008 loans to individuals amounted to 716 bn. BYR. Since the beginning of the year they grew by 5%.
Credit cards of Priorbank are of high demand among the population. The volume of liabilities by credit cards reached 417 bn. BYR by 1 April, 2008 and increased by 6,5% in the current year.
The bank is actively providing loans to the population for housing construction and mortgages in local and foreign currencies. A new loan product ‘Prostocredit’ was launched in the current year, which is all-purpose and does not require a guarantee.
As of 1 April, 2008 the resource base of Priorbank amounted to 3,180 bn. BYR (an equivalent of 1,483 mln. USD) and increased by 6% since the beginning of the year. Funds of legal entities amounted to 1,413 bn. BYR (an equivalent of 658 mln. USD) or 44% in the bank’s resource base, with deposits of private individuals amounting to – 629 bn. BYR (an equivalent of 293 mln. USD) or 20%. The increase of term resources of legal entities made up 18%. Deposits made by individuals increased by 15%.
Interbank resources yield 36% in the resource base of the bank. The major volume of interbank resources are denominated in foreign currency, attracted from foreign banks for the financing of large, small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals.
* The figures are stated according to the local financial reporting standards.