Sergey Kiriyenko Signed Orders on New Appointments
OREANDA-NEWS. May 16, 2008. The former deputy heads of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy Ivan Kamenskikh, Tatiana Yelfimova, Yevgeny Sofyin, Yevgeny Yevstratov have been appointed the deputy directors general of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation.
Valery Rachkov has been appointed as Director of Scientific Policy Department (formerly he was the head of Department for Nuclear Science, Engineering and Information Technologies of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy).
Alexander Antonov has been appointed as Director of Nuclear Weapons Industry Department (formerly he was the head of Nuclear Weapons Industry Department of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy).
Valery Drozdov has been appointed as Director of Department for Creation and Testing of Nuclear Weapons (formerly he was the head of Department for Creation and Testing of Nuclear Weapons and Special Reactors of the Federal Agency of Nuclear Energy).
Viktor Pitel has been appointed as Director of Department of Nuclear Materials (formerly he was the head of Department of Nuclear Materials of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy).
Alexander Agapov has been appointed as Director of Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety and Licensing (formerly he was the head of Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety and Licensing of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy).
Yevgeny Kudryavtsev has been appointed as Director of Department for Treatment of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel and Decommissioning of Nuclear Reactors (formerly he was the head of Department for Treatment of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel and Decommissioning of Nuclear Reactors of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy).
Anatoly Abalov has been appointed as Director of Department for Protection of State Secret and Information (formerly he was the head of Department for Protection of State Secret and Information of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy).
Alexander Loktev has been appointed as Director of Department for Internal Control and Audit (formerly he was advisor of the head of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy).
Igor Leshukov (former advisor of the head of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy), Vladimir Kaschenko (director general of Atomenergomash OJSC), Valery Sorokin (former advisor of the head of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy), Nikolay Obysov (former deputy head of Department for Nuclear Science, Engineering and Information Technologies of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy) have been appointed as advisors of Director General of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation.