IDGC of Centre Regulates Communication With Clients
OREANDA-NEWS. On 15 May 2008 was announced, that the Client Service Organization Department and Public Relations Department of IDGC of Centre held a training seminar called "grid companies' communication channels with clients".
Heads of the Client Service Organization Department and PR-divisions of branches of the company took part in the seminar. Opening the meeting, Anna Korneichuk, Chief of the Client Service Organization Department of IDGC of Centre noted importance and necessity of teamwork of the Departments in client relations and PR-division. 'Improvement of servicing quality is one of the overall objectives of the company activity,' Anna Vladimirovna noted. 'IDGC of Centre does its best to create the most comfortable conditions and to provide complete set of services to clients. Our training seminar also aims to achieve the given purposes. The task of the seminar is development of joint departmental strategy and tactics of actions, discussion of provisions of the Rules of use of channels and means of communication with clients.
Elmira Simashova, Principle Expert of PR-Department, presented new Rules to participants of the meeting and described categories of clients of the network complex, channels of interaction with them and emphasized means and kinds of informing clients. The purpose of the given rules is to expand and approve ways of interaction with clients of the network complex all over the territory of IDGC of Centre, and also precisely to regulate this work between adjacent departments of the company. The necessity to develop the correspondence form of dialogue with clients - the Internet Reception of the Company - /client/ became one more wide subject of discussion of participants.
Let's remind, that each branch and central body of the company provide the Internet Receptions which allows to the Internet user to examine services of the company in a convenient form. They provide detailed information on services of the Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Centre, tariffs for technological connection, normative legal base; you can ask a question, send an application here. Besides, for convenience of clients, free-of-charge powermen's hotline operates: 8 800 50 50 115 wchich is uniform for all regions. Giving a telephone call, you can learn about the technical connection issues to electric systems, services on transfer of the electric power, to report on an accident, learn answers to any questions on power supply.
Participants of the meeting reported on improvement of organization of work of the internal form of work with clients - the Service Centers, proceeding from features of the situation in the regions.
Ekaterina Solovieva, Expert of the Client Service Organization Department of IDGC of Centre, told participants about the complex organization of work on clients' applications; much attention was given to organization of work with complaints in conformity with ISO 10002 Standard, as well as to organization of feedback of the company with clients.
Training was the final stage of the meeting. Participants of the seminar formed 5 round table discussions for work between two representatives of the client direction and two representatives of the PR-direction of the Company different branches. The task of each group included research of provision of the Rules. According to the results of training, representatives of each group made proposals on improvement of the communication process, told about possible risks of everyone and proposed ways of their neutralization.
'The seminar passed productively. We took into account the participants' opinions. The seminar will result in completion of the very important document for us which is aimed to improve our work regarding interaction with clients,' Maxim Landa, Chief of the Public Relations Department of IDGC of Centre commented. 'To provide the maximal satisfaction of clients is one of the strategic purposes of the company. Today's training becomes the basis for constant improvement of this direction of IDGC-1 activity'.