"Oranta" Incorporated Worked Out the Insurance Program "Dachnyk"
OREANDA-NEWS. On 15 May 2008 was announced, that since the 15th of May up to the 1st of October "Oranta" Incorporated will hold the action "Dachnyk—2008".
The insurance program "Dachnyk—2008" offers voluntary insurance of buildings and movable property, as well as voluntary accident insurance of natural persons. According to the terms of the action the subject of the insurance contract is a dwelling house (summer cottage), utility structures and constructions, movable property in the dwelling house. According to this program the insurance risks are fire, natural disasters, effect of fluid, illegal actions of the third persons, theft, running—down accident with a vehicle. The policy period is one year.
"The program is meant for not expensive buildings and those people, who spend their weekends in the summer cottage and during the rest of the time they work, - announced the director of products management and operative underwriting department Lyudmyla Koshel. — And they need just now to think about insurance of risks."