Domodedovo Is the Leading Airport in Moscow Aviation Hub
OREANDA-NEWS. On 12 May 2008 was announced, that according the operational activity data for April 2008, Moscow International Airport Domodedovo keeps holding the leading position in Moscow aviation hub in terms of passenger traffic.
The total airport’s passenger throughput between January and April 2008 was 5,676,676 passengers, that is a 23,8% rise over the same period of 2007. The passenger traffic for April 2008 was 1,595,188 passengers, that is a 24,2% rise over April, 2007.
The primary growth was registered on flights to Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, Saint-Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Dubai, Antalia, Frankfurt, London, Dushanbe. 482,659 passengers were carried on these routes in April, 2008.
Take-offs and landings’ intensity for April, 2008 was 15,570, that is a 15,8% rise over the same period of 2007.