Atomenergoprom Recognized the Experience of TVEL Corporation
OREANDA-NEWS. On 08 May 2008 was announced, that in the second decade of April a seminar-conference "Nuclear power engineering enterprises’ development prospects and opportunities” took place that gathered top managers of leading enterprises of Atomenergoprom, nuclear defense complex and profile institutes.
The seminar that was held in a boarding house “Kolontaevo” near Moscow was organized by Russian nuclear fuel manufacturer TVEL Corporation, Atomenergoprom, Mashinostroitelny Zavod, and NPO TsNIITMASH.
The key issue of the agenda became the readiness of Russian nuclear power engineering complex to implement a large scale state strategy of new NPPs’ construction. Among the main topics that were discussed were the more effective ways of use of nuclear industry potential, achievement of competitiveness and mastering of leading positions on the global nuclear market.
According to Atomenergoprom Deputy Director-General Kirill Komarov, “in compliance with General Scheme it is planned to out into operation 26 nuclear power units in Russia and to construct 12 power units abroad before 2020. Total volume of order for nuclear power engineering will make 1,3 trillion rubles. Implementation of tasks of FTsP “RAEPK” and industry export plans require from nuclear and power engineering enterprises implementation of large scale investment programmes aimed at expanding of production capacities as well as implementation of a number of measures aimed at general increase of technological level of produce and strengthening of competitive positions of Russia on a global market”.
In this respect Kirill Komarov highly estimated the progressive experience of TVEL Corporation in forming of new image, diversification of production, optimization of production facilities, increase of quality of produce, enhancing of competitiveness in internal and external markets. According to his opinion, effective inter-industry cooperation today is made only with TVEL Corporation.
The President of TVEL Corporation Yuri Olenin said: “Today each plant that belongs to the Corporation implements more than 10 absolutely new, unique manufacturing directions. Great work is carried out to commercialize scientific developments, search of customers”. Yuri Olenin stressed that the aim of the seminar is to form the ground for informational exchange of cooperation proposals, development plans, enhancing opportunities of industry cooperation. To implement this task he proposed to create the unified industry information center.
The participants of the meeting spoke in favor of creation of inter-industry coordinating committee for increasing effectiveness of use of capacities of nuclear industry’s engineering complex. It was decided to start forming the unified inter-industry data base on technological capacities of enterprises, capacities available and capacities involved in investment projects.