IDGC of Centre Held Occupational Safety Day
OREANDA-NEWS. On 29 April 2008 was announced, that on April 28, all IDGC of Centre’s branches held Occupational Safety Days.
Such thematic days take place all over Russia upon the initiative of the International Labour Organization and International Trade Union Movement for the purpose of drawing attention to issues of occupational safety, promotion of occupational safety during the industrial activity. This day in IDGC of Centre passes under the slogan "My life, my work, my safe labour".
Annually the Russian Federation registers over 4.5 thousand industrial victims, about 12 thousand receive serious traumas, about 75 thousand - light traumas; over 8 thousand occupational diseases are registered for the same period. Four percent of the world gross domestic product are lost as a result of unfit working conditions and industrial accidents.
IDGC of Centre gives special, priority, attention to the issues of occupational safety and safety precautions. Owing to close attention to this activity and actions held in branches, traumatism almost 2 times lowered in 2007, in comparison with 2006. And during the autumn and winter period of 2007/2008 - the period most responsible and difficult for the powermen - the amount of industrial victims decreased by 70 %. It is necessary to note that for the first time no case of fatal accident or serious case was observed within this period.
Within the limits of the today's Action, all divisions of IDGC branches held industrial meetings. Heads of branches, experts of industrial and personnel services, psychologists, representatives of trade unions took part in them. Issues of provision of safe and healthy working conditions, improvement of working conditions following the results of workplaces certification, social aspects of activity of the enterprise, issues of labour and industrial discipline, estimation and management of industrial risks were discussed. Substantive provisions of the labour code, orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, other state documents in the area of occupational safety were explained to the personnel.
Labour Safety Day ended in IDGC branches with the remembrance action for those who died or were seriously injured at the place of production.