Opening of Two Metro Stations Postponed for Half a Year
OREANDA-NEWS. On 23 April 2008 was announced, that the opening of Elektrozavodskaya station on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line of the Moscow Metro was carried over from May to November 2008 and a new station called Slavyansky Bulvar – from June to August 2008.
“Though we planned to open Elektrozavodskaya station (that is currently closed for reconstruction) in May, the opening is to be held only in November 2008. This is due to the fact of a delay in the delivery of escalator equipment to this station,” Dmitry Gaev, head of the Moscow Metro said.
According to the official, there is the only enterprise supplying the metro with escalators in Russia, it is located in St Petersburg.
“Now the enterprise has a lot of orders and it has no time to supply the metros with escalators for a change,” Mr Gaev noted and added that the opening of Elektrozavodskaya station was postponed by that reason.
“By the same reason we put off the opening of the new station Slavyansky Bulvar. The station itself will be prepared by June but we will open it only in August as again we will have a delay in the delivery of escalator equipment to this station,” the head of the Moscow Metro added.