Rostelecom Appointed New Deputy Director for General Issues
OREANDA-NEWS. On 23 April 2008 Rostelecom, Russia’s national LD operator, announced the appointment of Igor Nikodimov in the capacity of deputy to the company’s general director for general issues.
Igor Yurievich Nikodimov was born on June 30, 1959 in the city of Kazan. He graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industry with the qualification of automation engineers. Later, he graduated from the Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications and the Saint Petersburg University of the Russian Interior Ministry. Hereceiveda Master’s degree(1989) anddoctoraldegree (2001).
In 1994 he was named executive director of limited liability partnership Niksav. From 1994 through 1997 he was employed as administrative director of North-West GSM (at present the North-West branch of Big 3 cellular operator MegaFon). He acted as deputy general director at North-West GSM in 1997-1998 and as general director of North-West GSM from 1998 to 2002. In July 2002 he took office as MegaFon’s deputy general director for foreign economic relations and administration.
In April 2008 he was appointed deputy general director of Rostelecom for general issues.
“The measures taken by the company to streamline its business processes in response to market needs, roll out new areas of business and the achievement of these objectives should be comprehensive and all-inclusive” – Rostelecom CEO Konstantin Solodukhin said, adding that Rostelecom is in the process of forming a new efficient structure for business management and bringing on board new highly experienced managers is an inevitable part of this process. “We believe that the skills gained by Igor Nikodimov and his professional experience will be a major asset for Rostelecom to strengthen its management team” – he said.