SibCOTES Presented Its Design at Energy Forum in St. Petersburg
OREANDA-NEWS. April 16, 2008. SibCOTES presented a proprietary design of Russian mechanical power engineers at the VIII International Forum in St. Petersburg. Dr. Felix Serant, SibCOTES Deputy General Director for Development, made the presentation on the Development and Application of the Circular Furnace Boilers for large power units.
Circular furnace boilers devised by SibCOTES are designed for large power plants – from 200 MW and more. There is no such equipment abroad, and it has a number of advantages compared to conventional designs: smaller dimensions (by 30%) make it possible to reduce metal consumption. Due to smaller boiler dimensions there is no need in enlargement of the power plant building during its reconstruction. Such boilers allow the Customers to significantly reduce pollutant emissions.
“We are prepared to perform a turnkey delivery of the circular furnace boilers, including the installation of dedicated C&I systems and commissioning”, - said Dr. Felix Serant. The first circular furnace boiler was put online in 1998 in Irkutsk, and its successful operation there continues for over ten years now.