Stroytransgaz Receives New Contract for Vankor-Purpe Pipeline
OREANDA-NEWS. April 14, 2008. Stroytransgaz has been awarded a contract to construct another section of the main oil pipeline from the Vankor oil field to the Purpe booster station. The new section, an extension of the oil pipeline that Stroytransgaz is currently building, is 22 kilometers long. Added to the company’s other work, it brings Stroytransgaz’s construction of the Vankor-Purpe pipeline to 184 kilometers. The pipeline has a diameter of 820 millimeters.
As a general contractor for the Vankor field, Stroytransgaz is also building surface facilities and infrastructure.
Construction work is being carried out in very difficult natural and climatic conditions and in nearly complete absence of infrastructure. The route of the oil pipeline that Stroytransgaz is building traverses complex permafrost; therefore, the company will lay aboveground pipeline on thermo-pilings.
Customer Vankorneft made corrections to the project after receiving refined data on the geology of the substrata. Changes concern the construction and method for immersing the pilings; the customer increased the number of pilings as well. Stroytransgaz is already conducting construction in accordance with the revised project.