JSC FEEC Will Present the Tour of the USA Symphony Orchestra
OREANDA-NEWS. On 09 April 2008 was announced, that in the course of a working meeting between the Chairman of the Board, the Director General of JSC FEEC, Victor MYASNIK, and Tom ARMBRUSTER- US Consul General in Vladivostok – the Far Eastern Energy Company decided to play a major role in the arrangements for a US Youth Orchestra tour in Primorsky region.
The energy company will not only enter the tour organizing committee, but will also appear as one of the major sponsors of this large-scale event.
The JSC FEEC and the Consulate General of the US have enjoyed a long standing relationship. In 2006 employees of JSC FEMEC (at present FEEC) were given the unique opportunity to participate in the program of international visits “Balancing business and government economic interests ”
In November 2005, due to promotion of the US Consulate, employees participated in a video conference with Mitchell Reese, former Director of the Policy Planning Office of the US State Department during Secretary of State Colin Powell’s tenure.
The present meeting of the Chairman of JSC FEEC Victor MYASNIK with the US Consul General in Vladivostok Tom ARMBRUSTER and Public Affairs Officer Bridget GERSTEN was aimed at the acquaintance of the head of the Company with the new US Consul General (Tom ARMBRUSTER holds the position only since July 2007). However in the course of the talks, the sides touched upon the question of the tour of the Long Island Youth Orchestra (New York) with a series of concerts in Vladivostok. This unique team is famous in dozens of countries all over the world with its charitable concerts in support of gifted young players.
- I think that a decision to take a direct part in making arrangements for residence of the Youth symphony orchestra from America in Primorsky region is natural. This tour will be a bright event in the cultural life of the region and will promote the formation of our young musical talents, said Victor Myasnik during the meeting.
Consul General Armbruster said the Consulate is proud to have the sponsorship of JSC FEEC and looks forward to a great concert series.
In the near future, the organizing committee of the event will be established and will be occupied with direct preparations of the residences for the American musicians in the Primorsky region. The beginning of the tour is planned for July of this year.
Department of informational strategy and mass media communication, JSC FEEC.