Таtenergo Holding Gets Ready to Thunder Storm and Lightning Season
OREANDA-NEWS. April 8, 2008. Preparation to this significant time period is one of the important stages in work of power engineering specialists required for the provision of reliable and nonstop electricity supply to consumers of Republic of Tatarstan. The Company specialists analyzed the same time period of 2007 that showed that it had passed satisfactorily. Specific number of the thunder switching off of the aerial lines (HL) 6-500 kV in 2007 did not exceed the average operation figures.
For reliable operation of electricity transmission lines and electrical facilities at substations in the time period of passing the thunder storm season of 2008 the order was issued "Оn Preparation of JSC "Network Company" Branches to Thunder Storm Season of 2008". At each entity of the Company have been developed the action plans, taking into account the drawbacks detected in passing the thunder storm season of the previous years. In the present the specialists from the branches of the JSC "Network Company" work on it. They check the condition of over-voltage protections, devices operability, fixing the damages on the HL, prevention tests of the lightning arresters, cleaning of the deficient insulators, inspection of electricity transmission lines and substations with their dimension check-up, condition of the discharge rods, grounding current dischargers, poles, fastening devices of the insulator chains to metal constructions of the switchgears.
At the branches are held the extraordinary instructions of the attending personnel for detecting the damage locations at the high voltage electricity transmission lines and actions by the linear and repair staff under thunder storm conditions.
Implementation in good time of the actions will provide the reliable operation of each branch of the Company in this time period of 2008.