OREANDA-NEWS. April 8, 2008. Group of companies “Siberian agrarian holding” (SAHO) purchased Gorbachyovsky elevator complex.

This complex is located on the borders of Plavsky, Chernsky and Arsenyevsky districts of Tula region. After Chufarovo grain-collecting station in Ulyanovsk region this is the second SAHO enterprise which provides centralized grain storage. Total capacity of the elevator is about 130 thousand tons. After purchasing Gorbachyovsky elevator aggregate capacity of grain storage enterprises of SAHO exceeded 470 thousand tons.

New enterprise incorporated into SAHO provide acceptance and shipment of grain crops by car and railway transport and also provides all kinds of working-up, drying and storing of grain. The purchased elevator has all necessary infrastructure. At the moment the enterprise is in satifactory technical condition, so there is no need in the reconstruction of main production capacities.

Purchasing of Gorbachyovsky elevator becomes one more step towards the implementation of the project of building subsidiary agro-holding of SAHO in Central Federal District. Now subdivision of “SAHO-Agro-Tula” is provided with its own harvest storing capacities. Qualitative storage of crops for a long time will let SAHO sell grain, harvested on Tula fields, on more beneficial terms and in more convenient time.