OREANDA-NEWS. April 01, 2008. This year Russian Federation celebrated the Cultural Workers Day for the first time. On August 28, 2007 Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, signed an edict establishing the Cultural Workers Day. From now on this professional day will be celebrated annually on March 25, reported the press-centre of RusHydro.
People of Caspisk city joyfully celebrated this new professional holiday. Delegates from all cultural institutions of this city gathered in a nice restaurant by the sea. There were representative of the City Library, School of Arts, Music School, Cultural Centre of “Dagdizel” factory and journalists from Caspisk TV station and newspaper “Trudovoi Caspij”.

Huri Pirsaidova, Caspisk City Mayor Adviser, congratulated the workers of the culture with their professional day. She said that in our days their labor requires big courage and dedication. All delegates received diplomas of honor and memorable gifts; words of appreciation were spoken to the most accomplished and enthusiastic workers.
Representative of Dagestan Branch of JSC “RusHydro” came to the celebration with a valuable gift: 26 books (each in two copies) published by publishing house “Epoch”. This wonderful collection was handed to Taisja Magomedova, Director of Centralized Library System of Caspisk city.
Publishing house “Epoch” for 5 years already has been actively realizing its educational and cultural projects. During only one year of 2007 “Epoch” published more than 60 books and school supplies. Publishing house “Epoch” contributes a great deal into preservation and popularization of historical and cultural heritage.