Ukrainians Want Transparent and Clear Conditions
OREANDA-NEWS. April 3, 2008. "First of all, the client addresses to that Bank, which he trusts. The client knows the Bank, or friends have recommended it. It is so-called element of confidence. That is why RODOVID BANK presses for every conditions for the client will be transparent and clear", - Viktoriya Vasilyeva, the vice-president of RODOVID BANK, said. According to her, there are some situations when the client doesn’t read the conditions of the Agreement, because he wants to draw a loan as quickly as it is possible.
"If the client sees that something is strange in the Agreement or it doesn’t put in order, he can address to the Bank and to return back loan. And in this case the client will not pay any costs. It is possible to do within 14 days due to legislation", - Vikoriya Vasilyeva marked.