Rostekhnadzor Approves Results of Leningrad NPP-2 Examination
OREANDA-NEWS. March 20, 2008. The Scientific-Technical Council of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Control (Rostekhnadzor) confirmed today that the examination of the documents substantiating the safety of the construction of 1st reactor of Leningrad NPP-2 has found no obstacles to the construction.
The examination has shown that the WWER-1200 reactor to be built at Leningrad NPP-2 (V-491 project) is an improved version of WWER reactors (V-320 and V-428 projects). The examination followed the application of Rosenergoatom Concern for a license for building the 1st reactor of Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant-2.
The examination was conducted in Oct-Mar 2008 by over 50 experts of Rostekhnadzor Scientific-Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety.
Such documents are examined in four stages. First, Rostekhnadzor experts check up if the package contains all necessary documents. Second, they peruse the content of the documents. Third, the Scientific-Technical Council of Rostekhnadzor examines the findings of the experts. And, fourth, it decided whether to approve the documents, to decline them or to send them back for revision and improvement.
According to the federal target program for the development of the nuclear industry of Russia in 2007–2010 and -2015, the 1st reactor of Leningrad NPP is to be launched in 2013.