Vyksa Steel Works Enhances Environmental Performance in 2007
OREANDA-NEWS. March 19, 2008.In 2007, Vyksa Steel Works enhanced environmental performance of its production, having reduced the environmental pollution level per product unit.
The specific amount of pollutant discharge into water bodies has reduced versus 2006 from 1 kg to 0.9 kg per tonne of product, the amount of air pollutant emissions – from 2.6 kg to 2.4 kg per tonne of product and the amount of production waste generation – from 163 kg to 122 kg per tonne of product.
Such reduced waste generation was due, in particular, to the launch of a new unit for thermal treatment of used cutting fluid at the LDP facility. The project cost was about RUB70 million.
In 2008, VSW will continue implementing environmental projects. Specifically, about RUB54 million will be allocated for construction of waste treatment facilities at discharge outlet No.5 (one of three VSW’s discharge outlets), which will increase the level of treatment of process wastes and stormwater runoffs discharged into the River Zheleznitsa. Over RUB27 million will be allocated for renovation of the treatment plants of the electroplating facilities at Pipe Electric Welding Shop No.5. By the same token, it is intended to launch construction of an off gas/dust treatment unit for open-hearth furnaces of the steelmaking facility. The Energokaskad engineering company is now busy designing a unit that would reduce nitrogen dioxide and dust emissions by 20% and 95% respectively.