Atomenergoprom Intends to Set Up an Anti-Cartel Committee
OREANDA-NEWS. March 19, 2008.Atomenergoprom OJSC is going to actively combat cartel price fixing by big suppliers of equipment for NPP construction projects.
The Public Relations and Mass Media Department of Atomenergoprom reports that, presently, the holding is considering the possibility of setting up an anti-cartel committee, comprising representatives of Atomenergoprom and concerned subsidiary and dependent companies.
The committee will closely cooperate with the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service. The efficiency of the purchase and the transparency of the prices of supplied equipment are crucial for the implementation of the federal program to increase the share of nuclear power plants in the country’s total energy balance.
Earlier, Atomenergoprom said that it was going to encourage rivalry among producers of equipment for nuclear power plants, particularly, among manufacturers of polar cranes. The holding meant the conduct of an international tender as a response to groundless overpricing by national producers.