OREANDA-NEWS. On 17 March 2008 was announced, that Alexander Sorokin the shift leader of electric shop of Sverdlovsk HPP had been awarded the second degree medal of order “For services for the native land”. Vasily Andreev the head of Repair preparation and implementation department of Krasnogorsk HPP was granted the award of “Distinguished power engineer of the Russian Federation”.

The decrees to award the Ural power engineers were signed by the President of the RF. In this way there were marked their services for the state, the high production characteristics, as well as the faithful work for many years. When presenting the awards, Edward Rossel the Governor of Sverdlovsk Region underlined the major contribution of the power engineers to the industry development, and their participation in its reformation.

Alexander Sorokin has been working in the power industry more than forty years, Vasily Andreev – ten years less. The field of activity of the first one is the operative work in the shift and the responsibility for the reliable work of power equipment of Sverdlovsk HPP. Repair service is a “doctor” for Krasnogorsky HPP, being responsible for the general condition of the power plant. Both engineers have creative approach to their duties, participate in modernization and improvement of the HPP’s equipment.

According to the shift leader of Sverdlovsk HPP Alexander Sorokin, the medal will be memorable for him as it is also connected with one of the last decrees of Vladimir Putin concerning the government awards, which he has signed being the President of Russia.