STC Extends Its Network of Receiving Payments for Telecom Services
OREANDA-NEWS. On 06 March 2008 was announced, that in 2007 number of places where clients can pay for telecom services provided by "UTK" PJSC grew considerably reaching 7,800 points as at the beginning of 2008.
In 2007 the number of cash dispensers in the Southern federal district receiving payments for telecom services increased by 26% making 2,143 machines as at the beginning of 2008. Payments can be made through cash dispensers and cashiers offices of the following banks: the Savings Bank, Petrokommerts, Evrokommerts, Vozrozhdenie, Uralsib-Yug-Bank, Krayinvestbank, КIIB Sochi, CB National clearing bank, Transcreditbank, Master-bank, Minbank, Pervomaisky, CB Doninvest, Donskoy narodny bank, etc.
The number of touch-sensitive terminals accepting payments for telecom services increased by 25% to 600 units as of 01.01.2008. Simple and easy of access touch-sensitive terminals of external payment systems operators are located in supermarkets, shopping and entertaining centers, rest homes, sanatoria.
At present 3,915 post offices of FGUP "Mail of Russia" located in the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Rostov regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol krays, Republics of Adygeia and Kabardino-Balkaria receive payments for telecom services provided by "UTK" PJSC, that is 110 post offices more than a year ago.
Besides, from August 2007 population in the Adygeia Republic, Krasnodar kray and Rostov region can pay for telecom services using bank cards of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation as well as by sending SMS from their mobile phones. To get this service, a card owner has to file an application and make the appropriate registration in the bank.
"Card Number One" is a universal payment instrument for telecom services. Any person can buy it in service and call centers of "UTK" PJSC, through WebMoney, from dealers or in "Rospechat" news-stall. The Company’s own network includes 1,216 service centers and offices located throughout the licensed territory.
"The Company has developed a client-oriented program of sales system improvement. It includes reorganization of sales network, improvements in the system of information and technical support of users, training of personnel in fronts - offices, etc. ", - Deputy Director General – Marketing Director of "UTK" PJSC Arkady Samoilov stated.
Development of alternative payment instruments allows the Company to improve quality of service and to reduce maintenance costs of its own service centers. Those interested in cooperation are welcome to send their proposals and suggestions in respect of tools and ways of payment for telecom services provided by "UTK" PJSC at e-mail: