Turkmenistan Takes Care about Women’s Rights
OREANDA-NEWS. March 5, 2008. The legal guarantees of empowerment and protection of the rights of women is the title of the forum held in the conference hall of the National Centre of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan on occasion of the coming holiday – International Women’s Day.
The deputies of the Mejlis, the representatives of the Turkmen National Institute for Democracy and Human Rights under President of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Social Security and the heads of the sectoral trade union committees, the teachers and students of the higher educational establishments, the journalist were invited to take part in the forum organized by the Women’s Union and the National Centre of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan.
The agenda included a broad range of the issues related to the increased role of women in the life of the modern Turkmen state and society as well as the approaches to the gender related problems. The forum participants focused on the policy of the Turkmen state on empowerment and protection of the rights of women as vested in the Constitution and the relevant legislative acts as well as the national programme aimed at guaranteeing education and medical aid to women and related to the social status of women. Those presenting the reports emphasized that during the years of independence Turkmenistan had proved its adherence to the international commitments with the specific actions in that filed. As is known, Turkmenistan joined a number of the important international documents including the Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Political Rights of Women.