Rostselmach Occupied Half of Bulgarian Market
OREANDA-NEWS. On 05 March 2008 was announced, that the 2007 year-end results show, that Rostselmach has increased its share on the Bulgarian market of agricultural equipment up to 50%. Another confirmation of high demand for machines of Rostselmach in Bulgaria were about 30 requests for purchising of machines received during the International agricultural exhibition "AGRA-2008".
The company Rostselmach conjointly with its authorized agent in Bulgaria — the company Bultrex — has shown all range of new serial products, the first of which is harvester VECTOR. Since 2004, about 60 harvesters of this type were sold in farms of the country.
Moreover, farmers from Eastern Europe could estimate the retrofited forage harvester DON 680M. The highly-efficient harvester ACROS has aroused much interest. All exhibited harvesters were sold in farms. In addition, about 30 requests for purchising of modern machines Rostselmach were received during the exhibition.
In the course of press briefing, which are taken place within agricultural forum, it was noted, that since 2004 about 160 harvesters fabricated in Rostselmach were delivered in the republic. In 2007, Bulgarian farmers have bought 38 machines of this type. The 2007 year-end results show, that Rostselmach has increased its market share by 8% and controls now 50% of deliveries of agricultural machines in Bulgaria. During four months of 2007-2008 agricultural years, farmers of Bulgaria have already bought more than 20 harvesters of Rostselmach.
Moreover, during the press briefing the companies Rostselmach and Bultrex have presented their plans of promotion of machines on the european market. Particularly, in the territory of Bulgaria (Levsky town) in the coming months, opening of logistical center for spare parts storage is planned. This center can satisfy farmers demands in Bulgaria, as well as in some other countries of Eastern Europe and Asia Minor.