TGC-9 Sverdlovsk Industrial Branches Is among Leaders
OREANDA-NEWS. On 04 March 2008 was announced, that the Diploma of the Government of Sverdlovsk area for the first place in competition on culture of manufacture and a labour safety among the industrial enterprises of region, and also victory of Nizhneturinskaya state district power station and Krasnogorsakaya thermal power station in branch review-competition on a rank " the Best representative on a labour safety ", spent by the organization "Electrotrade union" became high estimations of a level of the organization of work on a labour safety of power men of TGC-9.
The last year became a year of a labour safety and the safety precautions for the company. Within the limits of this action power men developed and introduced 420 actions, directed on prevention of an industrial traumatism and professional desease, improvement of working conditions. Expenses for a labour safety in 2007 were 66,6 million roubles - on 6,7 % more then in previous year.
The important direction in work on preservation of health of the personnel is their maintenance with means of an individual defence. Expenses for these purposes in sverdlovskiye branches of TGC-9 which were 8,7 million roubles (on 21,3 % more then a level of 2006) So, for power men summer and winter complete sets of clothes were bought for protection against influence of an electric arch.
In a year of a labour safety 2,5 thousand workers had examination preparation and examination of rules and norms on a labour safety, rules of technical operation of the equipment, over two thousand were trained to reception of first-aid treatment. Within a year over 34 thousand sudden checks were carried out on revealing infringements of requirements of a labour safety.
Year of a labour safety brought also new forms of the organization of safety on manufacture. So, on Pervouralskaya thermal power station questioning of workers on this subject was carried out. New colorful stands and corners on a labour safety were designed on Krasnogorskaya thermal power station.
Perfection of professional skills is promoted by competitions of professional skills. In April, 2007 selection competitions of operation personnel were carryed out among power stations of Sverdlovsk area. In June power men of Pervouralskaya thermal power station won first place in competitions of teams of the Ural region, and in September - the first place in the All-Russia competitions of operation personnel of power stations.