OREANDA-NEWS. On February 22 2008, at about  615 h at quay No 80, the operator of which is UAB „Klaipedos keleiviu ir kroviniu terminalas“, on a ship „Neris“ (this ship supplies other ones with oil products) there was a fire of electricity installation. The fire was fully fought by the crew in an hour (at about  705 h), reported the press-centre of Klaipeda Port.
On the 22nd of February 2008 at about 615 h a dispatcher on duty of SE Klaipeda State Seaport Authority got a message from the Captain on duty of the ship „Neris“ built in Bulgaria in 1973 (flying the flag of Lithuania) that the electricity installation wires were on fire. Ship „Neris“ (the owner is UAB „O.W. Bunker Klaipeda”), on board of which there were oil products was mooring at quay No 80 of UAB „Klaipedos keleiviu ir kroviniu terminalas“. 
Having received the above message the Dispatcher’s office of SE Klaipeda State Seaport Authority informed immediately the officers of the Management Centre of Emergency situations  and gave order to the tug-boat „Stumbras“, on board of which there is fire-fighting equipment (with foam sprayer) to be ready and after receiving special order, sail to the place of incident for the localization of fire. Fire-fighting officers were also called. 
In an hour the fire was fought by the crew itself. Fire-fighting officers investigated the location to see whether there were left no hotbed. The fire was fought in an hour (at about 705 h) .
The Fire-fighting officers analyse the purposes of fire now.