Orthodox Church Complex Will Go Up in North Moscow
OREANDA-NEWS. On 18 February 2008 was announced, that a new Orthodox Church complex is to be built in north Moscow.
“The government of Moscow has allowed the local religious organization Orthodox Parish of Church of Saint Unmercenary Kosma and Damian in Kosmodemiyanskoe to elaborate the city-planning and preproject documentation concerning the construction of the Orthodox Church complex on a site on the 1st kilometre of Mezhdunarodnoe Highway, an odd side,” a source from the city administration said.
The source added that an approximate area of the site equals 0,82 hectares. “The religious organization will provide the elaboration, endorsement and approval of the city-planning documentation concerning placing the object in accordance with the established procedure, provide the elaboration of a maintenance engineering scheme of the object and order from Moskomarkhitektura an act of permitted use of the site at the expense of its own funds and the donation from physical and legal persons,” the official noted.