Pension Fund SAPF Announced Results of Its Activities in 2007
OREANDA-NEWS. On February 12, 2007 Accumulation pension fund SAPF JSC (Almaty), being the member of Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) of "E" and "?" categories, had distributed the press-release, in which is announcing the results of its acti9vities in year 2007, reported the press-centre of KASE:
By results of year 2007 Accumulative pension fund SAPF JSC (SAPF) had preserved the leading positions on market of pension services by volumes of pension savings, received pension fees and "net" investment income. SAPF remains the leader by amount of individual pension accounts, pension payments and transfers to insurance companies.
As of January 1, 2007 amount of individual pension accounts on compulsory pension fees made more than 2,4 m. or the largest market stake at 26,44%, what demonstrates that each 3-4 Kazakhstan depositor is choosing SAPF.
Volume of pension fees, accumulated in SAPF as of January 1, 2008 made KZT203,7 bn., including KZT38 bn. collected for year 2007. Thus annual growth of this indicator is equal to 22,34%.
Pension payments and transfers to insurance organizations, made by Fund, increased for past year by KZT3 bn. and exceeded KZT15,6 bn., which let to judge about SAPF as about main fund for conduction of pension payments.
About KZT205 bn. pension accumulations of all pension system (17%) are concentrated in SAPF. For 12 months of year 2007 total volume of given indicator increased by more than KZT41,25 bn. and approached to KZT205 bn., where KZT72 bn. - is the sum of "net" investment income, distributed among depositors of Fund.
Cost of portfolio of investments increased in year 2007 compared to year 2006 by KZT40,3 bn. or by 24,5%.
In the frames of conservative investment policy, aimed on stable and moderate increase of pension savings with minimization of risks of their losses, SAPF had formed such investments' portfolio, in which as of January 1, 2008 significant stake at 43,3% are making the highly reliably and highly liquid securities, having the rating estimation not less than "AAA" of leading rating agencies, and also governmental securities (GS) of RK, which are related to assets with minimal investment risk. 92,4% pension assets of SAPF are invested to financial instruments, having the rating estimation of issuer or securities, including 77,2% have rating estimation not less than "AA-", with stated size not less than 40% form pension assets.
Shareholders capital of SAPF, providing the financial stability of the fund, as of January 1, 2008 exceeded KZT6 bn. Thus, its annual growth made 47,81% or KZT1.95 bn.
By results of year 2007 by the Fund were executed prudential requirements for adequacy of shareholders capital and yield of pension assets.