Sevmash Preventorium Celebrated 65-years Anniversary
OREANDA-NEWS. On 5 February 2008 was announced, that Sevmash Preventorium Celebrated 65-years Anniversary.
The main task of this institution is to reduce sickness rate among shipbuilders, it refers first of all to professional sicknesses. To improve health many kinds of treatment are used in preventorium: electrotherapy, phototherapy, reflexotherapy, different kinds of massage, hirudotherapy, dry carbonic acid gas bath and so on.
Last year preventorium took part in regional contest regarding sanitation of citizens having right on social state help at the expense of Social insurance fund. “From seven lots, where we have submitted applications, we have won three, - says head physician Galina Semushina. – All in all we plan to improve health of more than 340 people with limited abilities, including handicapped children, both citizens of Severodvinsk and citizens of region”. Preventorium has experience of such work: 350 persons improved health according to the same programm in 2005.
Preventorium has significantly changed after overhaul: sanitary engineering and furniture are replaced in sleeping buildings, foyer and corridors are repaired, inhalatorium, registry, massage and electrotherapy rooms are repaired and enlarged, new equipment is purchased. One can visit winter garden, halls with TV-sets where one can have a rest after treatment.
When congratulating collective with jubilee Sevmash Deputy Director General for commercial issues Sergey Mardarovsky noticed: “Enterprise has always paid attention to the health of its workers, but today our possibilities enable improving health of citizens of the whole region. It is very important. And the main task for administration is development of preventorium medical base”.