OREANDA-NEWS. February 04, 2007.
1. General Information
1.1. Full name of the issuer (for a non-profit organisation - name)  - Open Joint Stock Company Russian Railways.
1.2. Abbreviated name of the issuer - OAO Russian Railways.
1.3. Location of the issuer - Novaya Basmannaya Str., 2, Moscow, 107174.
1.4. PSRN (Primary State Registration Number) of the issuer - 1037739877295.
1.5. TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) of the issuer - 7708503727.
1.6. Unique code of the issuer assigned by the Registration Authority - 65045-D.
1.7. Internet address used by the issuer to disclose information - http://www.rzd.ru, reported the press-centre of Russian Railways.
2. Content of Notification
“Information regarding the resumption of issuing securities”
.2.1. Type, category (type), series and other identification characteristics of the securities. Shares ordinary registered uncertificated.

2.2.2. Maturity (for bonds and stock options of the issuer). The securities being placed are not bonds or stock options of the Issuer.

2.2.3. State registration number of the additional securities issue and date of state registration. 1-01-65045-D-001D, 13 December 2007.

2.2.4. Name of registration authority carrying out the state registration of the additional securities’ issue: Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia.

2.2.5. The number of placed securities and nominal value (if the presence of a nominal value is required under the legislation of the Russian Federation) of each security. 5,997,819 (Five million, nine hundred and ninety seven thousand, eight hundred and nineteen) units with a nominal value of 1,000 (One thousand) roubles each.

2.2.6. The method of placing the securities, and in the case of placing securities through closed subscription, the range of potential purchasers of the securities. Closed subscription. The sole shareholder of the Open Joint Stock Company Russian Railways in the Russian Federation is a potential purchaser of the placed securities in the name of the Government of the Russian Federation.

2.2.7. The period of placement of the securities or the manner in which it is defined. The date when the offering begins is the day following receipt of notification of the state registration of the additional securities issue.

The date when the placement ends is the date of the last entry on the personal account of the purchaser of the securities - the Russian Federation, but no later than one year from the day of state registration of the additional issue of securities.

2.2.8. The price of the securities placed or procedures for its determination. 1,000 (One thousand) roubles 0.0084 (nought point nought nought eight four) kopecks per share.

2.2.9. Form of payment for the placed securities. The payment for the shares was effected by non-cash means in the form of ordinary shares of the following issuers:

270 880 991 (Two hundred and seventy million, eight hundred and eighty thousand, nine hundred and ninety-one) ordinary shares of the Russian Joint Stock Company High Speed Lines (Visokoskorostnye Magistrali)) (PSRN: 1027809191134) with a total value of 1 (one) rouble as determined in accordance with the report prepared by the Limited Liability Company Valuation Centre (Tsentr Otsenki) Avers;

47 895 (Forty seven thousand, eight hundred and ninety five) ordinary shares of the Open Joint Stock Company the Gudok Newspaper (Gazeta Gudok) (PSRN: 1067746617267) with a total value of 50 024 500 (Fifty million, twenty-four thousand, five hundred) roubles as determined in accordance with the report prepared by the Closed Joint-Stock Company ROSEKO;

32 272 500 (Thirty-two million, two hundred and seventy two thousand, five hundred) ordinary shares of the Open Joint Stock Company, the Yakutia Railways Joint Stock Company (PSRN: 1021401044500) with a total value of 1 (One) rouble as determined in accordance with the report prepared by the Limited Liability company Neksia Pacholi;

1 243 725 000 (One billion, two hundred and forty-three million, seven hundred and twenty five thousand) ordinary shares of the Open Joint-Stock Company TransCreditBank (PSRN: 1027739048204) with a total value of 5 947 795 000 (Five billion, nine hundred and forty seven million, seven hundred and ninety five thousand) roubles prepared in accordance with the report by the joint-stock company RUSSIAN VALUATION.

2.2.10. Date when the emission of securities was suspended. 22 January 2008.

2.2.11. The name of the registration authority which took the decision to suspend the issue of securities. Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia.

2.2.12. Grounds for suspending the securities issue. Identification by the registration authority of rectifiable violations (violation of the requirements laid down in Paragraph 26 of the Federal Evaluation Standard passed by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia dated 20.07.07. No. 256).

2.2.13. The date when the securities issue was resumed. 29 January 2008.

2.2.14. The name of the registration authority which has taken the decision on the resumption of the securities issue. Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia.

2.2.15. Grounds for the resumption of the securities issue. Elimination of violations by the issuer as identified by the registration authority (submission of additional documents taking into account the requirements of paragraph 26 of the Federal Evaluation Standard passed by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia dated 20.07.07. No. 256).

2.2.16. Date of receipt of written notification of the issuer from the registration authority about the resumption of securities issuance. Information on the resumption of the securities issuance was posted on the Internet by the registration authority on 30 January 2008.

2.2.17. Reference to the termination of restrictions relating to the suspension of the securities issue. Restrictions related to the suspension of the securities issue are rescinded.

3. Signature
3.1. Senior Vice-President, Open Joint Stock Company Russian Railways signing on the basis of power of attorney, dated 19.03.2007 No. 214-D F. B. Andreyev
3.2. Date “30” January 2008 Stamp