RosEvroBank Attracts Syndicated Loan for USD 22,5 mln
OREANDA-NEWS. January 29, 2007. RosEvroBank (Moscow, Russia) signed Loan Agreement concerning attraction of syndicated loan for total amount USD 22,5 million for 1 year from a syndicate of foreign institutions led by Rosemount Global Trade Finance Fund L.P. (New York, USA) and National City Bank (Cleveland, USA). Besides these institutions banks from Portugal, Slovenia, the Netherlands and Russia participated in the Facility, reported the press-centre of RosEvroBank.
RosEvroBank intends to use attracted funds for financing of export-import transactions of its customers.
On 27 December 2007 RosEvroBank signed individual Loan Agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for amount RUB 620 million for 5 years. Funds are intended to support small and micro-lending programs of RosEvroBank as well as programs for lending of credit cooperatives.
RosEvroBank plans to publish its audited IFRS Financial statements as of 31 December 2007 by the end of February 2008.