ROSNO Held Insurance Seminar in Krasnodar
OREANDA-NEWS. January 30, 2007. ROSNO’s Krasnodar branch has held a mortgage loan insurance seminar for bankers and realtors, reported the press-centre of ROSNO.
The event’s main objective was to acquaint employees of banks and real estate agencies with the opportunities provided by ROSNO’s mortgage insurance services.
The event was attended by representatives of 7 banks and 2 real estate agencies operating in Krasnodar, among them Sberbank, Raiffeisenbank, Bank Societe Generale Vostok, Bank Soyuz, and Moscow International Bank. In total, 48 people have attended the seminar.
The attendees were provided information about the Krasnodar Area mortgage market, as well as opportunities and competitive advantages of ROSNO’s mortgage insurance products, such advantages being the company’s high ratings, good operating record in the Krasnodar Area, competitive rates, and high quality of customer service.
The seminar was opened by the welcome speech from Ms. Olga Tolstykh, head of the agent sales department in ROSNO’s Krasnodar branch. She assured the participants of ROSNO’s willingness to offer banks and real estate agencies favorable insurance terms supported by the company’s financial stability and irreproachable business reputation.
Upon conclusion of the seminar, ROSNO’s guests took part in the bowling tournament. The first prize was won by the Bank Soyuz team, the second position was taken by Societe Generale Vostok, and the third prize was awarded to the team representing the agency Kreditny Dom. Further, individual prizes were awarded for the best result among men and women, for the most spectacular throw, and for the loudest track.