WBG Mission for Education Sector Development Project-2 Arrived in Baku
OREANDA-NEWS. January 29, 2007. World Bank Group (WBG) mission for Finance Facility for Education Sector Development Project (ESDP-2) arrived in Baku.
WBG Baku office informed Fineko/abc.az that the mission to last 2 weeks. It started the work today.
“The mission’s aim is to estimate the 2nd phase. There is no exact budget because the matter needs discussion.” the office informed.
In its turn, the Azerbaijani government hopes for Baku official negotiations about ESDP-2 with WBG this February that is a final stage before its submission to WBG Board of Directors.
ESDP-1 is to be finished in 2008.
The ESDP loan agreement between WB and Azerbaijani government was signed on September 19, 2003. The $18 million loan was disbursed on the conditions of the International Development Association. The project was also financed $2.8 million by Azerbaijan and 180,000 by Soros Foundation. Education Development System Strategy 2003-13 is realized within EFF-1. ESDP-1 period is 2003-07, ESDP-2 - 2007-10, ESDP-3 - 2010-13. WB is ready to finance $61 million for 10-year ESDP period.
Earlier WBG realized a pilot educational project due to its $5 million loan.