ARMADA to Create IT Network for Federal Insurance Supervision Service
OREANDA-NEWS. January 23, 2008. Soyuzinform, a subsidiary of OAO ARMADA (MICEX, RTS: ARMD), has signed two government contracts with the Federal Insurance Supervision Service (FISS) for a total amount of RUB 14.8m (approx. USD 610,000), the press service of ARMADA reported.
Soyuzinform is currently implementing a large-scale integration project to consolidate the agency's IT infrastructure into a single network. Work is being carried out at eleven branches of the Federal Insurance Supervision Service, including regional bodies and territorial subdivisions of the FISS headquarters. According to the signed contracts, the company will be responsible for the provision, assembly and installation of equipment as part of the creation of a centralized local area network. The purpose of the project is to provide access to shared headquarters network resources for employees of regional bodies and territorial FISS subdivisions.
Moreover, a data security and control system will be created for shared IT resources to prevent unauthorized access to confidential information, as well as a monitoring system, which will make it possible to oversee the condition of the IT infrastructure in all areas and remotely correct any malfunctions.
The implementation of such a project will help enhance the efficiency of the work of FISS employees by reducing the time and administrative costs for finding the required materials, while the implementation of a centralized IT infrastructure management system will enable the organization to obtain reliable real-time data about the condition of computing resources and take adequate measures to ensure their undisrupted operation. The agency will be able to cut back its hardware and software maintenance costs by decreasing the number of its IT support staff. In the longer term, having a centralized IT infrastructure management system will enable the agency to outsource this function to a third-party organization.