BMI Launches Second Regular Flight to Domodedovo Airport
OREANDA-NEWS. January 19, 2008. BMI is to launch its second regular flight to Moscow (Domodedovo) from London (Heathrow) on March 30, 2008, the Domodedovo press service reported. The flights will be operated seven times a week using Аirbus A320 aircraft. In other words, BMI will be operating 14 London (Heathrow) – Moscow (Domodedovo) flights a week (i.e. two flights a day). The decision to launch an additional daily flight was made following the successful launch of a daily flight to Domodedovo in October 2006 which was the first bmi flight on the market of medium-range flights. In 2007, bmi launched a new service to Russia as it added new flights from London to Yekaterinburg which are operated three times a week. Peter Spenser, the BMI Managing Director: “We are happy to announce that the bmi summer timetable for 2008 will include an additional flight from Heathrow to Domodedovo. Ever since we started servicing this destination less than 18 months ago our passenger traffic has been constantly growing. We hope therefore that the new flight will make our timetable even more attractive for our passengers in Moscow and Heathrow, as well as for those who require a convenient connection from Heathrow to other destinations. Nothing makes us happier than successes of our partner airlines. The new bmi flight will be the sixth daily flight to London from Moscow’s Domodedovo International Airport,” comments Darya Korshunova, the airport’s Director for External Relations.
BMI was founded in 1964. By the early 1980s the company was one of the leading air carriers in Great Britain. By the late 1990s the airline was servicing more than 6.5 million passengers per annum. In 2000, the company joined Star Alliance, and in 2003 it was re-branded as BMI. At present, bmi operates approximately 170 flights a day to 37 destinations worldwide, including the USA, India, Saudi Arabia, and the Caribbean. The airline operates its flights to 38 international airports. A broad network of domestic and international routes ensures the company’s steadily growing passenger traffic which exceeded 10.5 million in 2005. The airline’s fleet consists of 42 aircraft, including three A-330-200, five A-321-200, five A-321-200, eleven А320-200, nine A-319-100, as well as eleven Embraer 145 and three Embraer 135 aircraft.