Ukrsotsbank Loan Portfolio Exceeded UAH 24 Billion
REANDA-NEWS. On January 17, 2007 Ukrsotsbank loan portfolio exceeded UAH 24 billion as of 12.01.2008 having increased over the year by 90%, reported the press-centre of Ukrsotsbank.
Loans to individuals make above UAH 13 billion of the total loan portfolio. Ukrsotsbank also acquitted forecast on increasing the loan portfolio of SME twofold for the year, now it makes about UAH 4 billion while it was UAH 1,99 billion as of 1.01.2007.
Overall, Ukrsotsbank is one of the four leading banks in Ukraine as for the volume of granted loans, having improved its competitive positions and moved from the 6th to the 4th place in the rating of banks.