President of Atomstroyexport Sergey Shmatko Visits Bulgaria
OREANDA-NEWS. On Jan 17 2008 President of Atomstroyexport CJSC Sergey Shmatko left for Bulgaria as part of the Russian delegation led by Russian President Vladimir Putin
During the visit Atomstroyexport is planning to sign a contract with the National Electric Company of Bulgaria for the construction of Belene Nuclear Power Plant.
On Oct 31 2006 the National Electric Company of Bulgaria officially proclaimed Atomstroyexport as the winner of the tender for the construction of Belene NPP under Russian NPP-92 project – a plant with two VVER-1000/V-466 reactors. The key rival of Atomstroyexport and its partners Areva NP and Siemens were Skoda Alliance and Westinghouse. The victory in the tender has opened up new prospects for Russian nuclear technologies in Europe.
The preliminary agreement was signed in 2006. The project was launched on Jan 1 2007. The conceptual design is ready, now, Atomstroyexport is drafting the technical design and is recruiting managers.
Atomstroyexport CJSC is the leading Russian company implementing contracts for the construction of nuclear power plants abroad.
Belene NPP is a unique combination of active and passive safety systems. The project received EUR certificate in 2007.
Atomstroyexport’s proposal is important for integration of Russian-European experience in NPP construction. Part of equipment will be supplied by the key partner of Atomstroyexport, CARSIB Consortium("Areva NP" and "Siemens").
In Dec 2007 European Commission officially approved the investment plan of the project.joint venture will be able to manufacture three turbines per year. Annual revenue is expected to reach 1 billion euros. Alstom Atomenergomash will actively participate in the first tenders and plans to take advantage of project execution to implement technology transfer, investment plan, development of its activity in the Podolsk region and staff training.
The newly established joint venture represents a key strategic move for both companies. "The joint venture established between Atomenergomash and Alstom, the world leader in nuclear conventional islands, is the first of its kind in the Russian post-Soviet history”, stated Kirill Komarov, Deputy General Director of OJSC “Atomenergoprom” and Chairman of Board of Directors of OJSC “Atomenergomash”. “Atomenergomash is the first Russian company to have formed a joint venture with a foreign company of such scale allowing it to acquire the best available Western technology”, — he added. “By year 2013 we plan to manufacture almost 100% of half-speed turbines in Russia and become the only supplier of the complete range of equipment for nuclear power plants”, according to Alexander Balashov, General Director of the JV Alstom Atomenergomash.
LLC “Alstom Atomenergomash” was registered on July 20, 2007 in city of Podolsk close to Moscow region. The joint venture was founded by OJSC “ZiO-Podolsk, which holds 51% of LLC authorized capital and French company Alstom, which owns 49% of the joint venture capital.
OJSC “Atomenergomash” is a holding company specialized in manufacturing of equipment for nuclear and heat power production. In particular, the holding company includes machine producing plant “ZiO-Podolsk”, engineering company “Ziomar”,OJSC “Intelenergomash”, LLC “Stalenergomash” and a number of other assets. Atomenergomash is 100% daughter company of OJSC “TVEL”, being part of OJSC “Atomenergoprom”. Revenue in 2007 will approximately amount to RUR 10.2 bln.
Alstom is a global leader in the world of power generation and rail infrastructure and sets the benchmark for innovative and environmentally friendly technologies. Alstom is the world leader in nuclear conventional islands, with more than 175 islands either already in service or in the course of being built in twelve countries around the world, including France, South Africa, China, South Korea and Sweden. Alstom technology is present in more than a quarter of nuclear conventional islands around the globe.