Uralmash Machine-Building Corp. Signs Contract with Mikhailovsk GOK
OREANDA-NEWS. January 17, 2007. Uralmash machine building corporation has signed a contract with Mikhailovsk GOK for equipment supply and provision of services relating to the construction of process equipment for the induration machine No. 3 at the pelletizing plant under construction. The contract is worth over 5 billion rubles.
The contract was signed as a result of a tender also sought by Outotec (Finland) and Siemens-VAI (Austria). The advantages offered by MK Uralmash are modern pellet production methods, extensive experience in the manufacture of induration machines for pelletizing plants, equipment delivery time, high quality of the end product - iron-ore pellets, a valuable raw material for blast-furnace production.
The design of the main process equipment including that of the induration machine and CAM complex will be developed by MK Uralmash and NPVP Torex Ltd. specialists. The induration machine will be manufactured at Uralmashplant and ORMETO-YUMZ. The design, manufacture and delivery of the equipment will take 23 months.
Induration machine No.3 MOK-1-592 is a piece of new generation equipment: it is reliable, it employs highly automated processes and heat engineering processes which cut energy consumption and pollutant emissions to a minimum. There are no similar machines manufactured abroad.
Mikhailovsk GOK is currently equipped with two induration machines OK-520 manufactured at Uralmashplant and commissioned in 1977. These were considered up-to-date machines with a total annual output of 6 million tons of iron-ore pellets. The new induration machine MOK-1-592 will produce 5 million tons of pellets per year.