Azerenerji Reconstructs Central Dispatching Management
OREANDA-NEWS. January 16, 2007. Within next few days the start will be given to second stage of reconstruction works of Central dispatching management. The application of modern technologies at the sphere of control system of electric power industry of the country is one of priority tasks, and in this direction are carried out concrete steps.
Informing on it, the press-service of joint-stock company "Azerenerji" has noted, that the first stage of project on carrying out of reconstruction works of Central Dispatching Management finishes.
Here the overall purpose is connected to setting the mechanism of power supply system of the country up to standards of advanced countries of the world for purposeful planning of power facilities, fast development of national economy and application of investments directed to this sphere according to scientific norms.
Let us remind, that with the purpose of qualitative delivery at the minimal losses of generated capacity and full automation of dispatching management at the mode of live time at Central Dispatching Management of joint-stock company "Azerenerji" is carried out two-staged project SCADA/EMS (Energy management system).
Financed by Deutsche Bank KfW and introduced to life by firm Siemens the first stage of work is already completed. So, within the framework of project made by Siemens, servers of management real time, archival servers, and also remote control of system "Sinaut-Spectrum" (also established at substations "Absheron" and "Khirdalan" 2 RTU installations, including IDS 850) are established on the interface and at 3 stations are given to operation. Already from all stations and high-voltage substations 110-500-KVt produced, transferred and received active (Р) and jet (Q) loadings in the mode of real time, and also all events occuring at substations "Absheron" and "Khirdalan" (switching-off - inclusion of switches, excess of the limit of loading on lines, messages about measuring sizes), are instantly transferred by managing server and archived. Simultaneously, at all three stations the transfer of these messages with the help of wall- display consisting of 12 video-cubes, manufactured by Belgium firm "Barco" is carried out. At this time the consideration of acting similar information as tables with different applications at workstations, installations of trends and the analysis of the archival information in the mode of real time are at the disposal of dispatcher. As it is known, the one-linear electric circuit of power supply system its transfer in the mode of real time (or the video-display) is installed and carried out. Prominent feature of these circuits created with use of object-direction algorithmic languages, will be, according to each level of the pressure any dynamic element is given only by one color. For example, all dynamic elements (air-lines, transformers, trunks, switches, linear and swparators, etc.) are looked: at the level of 110 KVt - green, at the level of 220 KVt - orange, at the level of 330 KVt - it is dark blue, at the level of 500 KVt - red, etc. The full end of this project and inclusion to industrial exploitation will take place in the near future after the finish of works of several functions of system "Sinaut-Spectrum" in the mode of real time which are carried out by employees of Siemens.
By opinion of experts, other value of this project will be, that already experts of joint-stock company "Azertenerji" and dispatchers have got necessary practice on operation of system SCADA.
Let's note, that the second stage for management of power supply system is carried out by financial support of the World bank.
The winner of the tender with the purpose of carrying out of the project became French company AREVA from with has already signed the contract joint-stock company "Azerenerji". Within the framework of the same contract SCADA/EMS the software, telecommunication, loading of the user interfaces and other functions will carry out all main functions, and also operational functions and creation of computer network and synchronization of time, revision of gathering of information received from long distance by installations (RTU) substations and stations.
As it has been mentioned above, at the second stage of reconstruction of Dispatching management will be restored not only SCADA/EMS system, and also the system of telecommunication and connection of joint-stock company "Azerenerji".
With this purpose at the given project, except of equipment of all power object of republic of joint-stock company "Azerenerji" modern high-speed reliable liaison channels and installations, also will be carried out cables by extent of approximately 1031 km.
Except it let us note, that at the project with the purpose of power supply of all objects, exact calculation of distribution and the charge of electric power will be purchased the intellectual electronic equipment and will be created the central accounting system.
According to the information received from "Azerenerji", let us note, that this equipment, being the component of this system, is established by experts of joint-stock company at 4 power objects - modular stations Astara, Khachmaz, Sheki and Baku, and with the help of this electronic equipment the information is transferred to Central dispatching management of the main office.
And thus the carrying out of the second stage of project will create the opportunity to take under the control in the mode of real time (0.2 seconds) all changes occuring in power supply system, harmonious infringements, even the most usual transients. It will enable to work operatively the power supply system at high level.