Kazakhtelecom Decreases Tariffs for Hosting Services
OREANDA-NEWS. On January 15, 2007 Kazakhtelecom JSC (Astana), shares of which are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) category "A" official list, had provided KASE with the press-release of next contention, reported the press-centre of KASE:
Leading connection operator of Kazakhstan Kazakhtelecom JSC informs about decrease and change of tariffs for hosting services since January 1, 2008 - placement of web-resources on the server of provider. In particular, monthly payment was decreased by 41% and the order of traffic tariffing was changed.
Since January 1, 2008 had taken effect the new tariffs for services of placement of client's server (Co-location) and renting of dedicated server, and also provision of virtual disk area in internet (hosting).
Payment for traffic on services of Co-location and Dedicated server by new tariffs is not taking, in case if total volume of incoming traffic makes not more than 25% from out-coming. Incoming traffic, not keeping within these correlation, will be paid separately, and payment would be taken only for exceeding. At hat payment for full and not full 1 Gbyte was decreased to 72% (3,5 times) and no makes KZT5,451.75 considering value-added tax.
Monthly payment for services of Co-location was decreased by 41%. Cots of service of Dedicated server will be calculated individually, depending from configuration of equipment, selected by the client, at that are absent the single payments (earlier they made KZT17,976.7 considering value-added tax)
By the service of provision of virtual disk area Kazakhtelecom JSC had widened the list of tariff plans with big assortment of additional services. New tariff plans are oriented on satisfying of needs of users from creation of small sites to creation of big portals. For users, whose Internet projects are exceeding the frames of common hosting (require more disk space, guaranteed volume of operative memory and power of CPU), was introduced the new service - renting of virtual server, including four tariff plans.
Thus, Kazakhtelecom JSC with aims of activization of development of domestic market of Internet-services and KazNet made the widening of products' portfolio and decrease of prices on services of hosting.
Hosting (web-hosting, collocation) - is the service for placement of client's web-site on the web-server of Kazakhtelecom JSC or other web-server on technological platform of Kazakhtelecom JSC, that is provision of connection to Internet and servicing. As a rule, demand for hosting of sites is more that for hosting of servers, because the last one is needed only for big sites.
After creation of site it is necessary to place it in Internet, in order any user could have the access to it at any moment.
Development of Kazakhstan Internet - is one of the tasks, set by Head of the state to Kazakhtelecom JSC. In year 2008 the leading connection operator plans to create in Almaty the Internet Data Center - uniform platform of provision the Internet/Intranet services. IDC - is the center of data processing, providing the wide spectrum of modern info-communication services. In years 2008-2009 technological platforms IDC will be opened in Astana and other regional centers of Kazakhstan.