KASE Amends Order of Trades and Work of Confirmation System
OREANDA-NEWS. January 08, 2007. As it was informed earlier by decision of Exchange council of Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) dated December 26, 2007, in order to avoid technical errors of traders, 30% restriction on deviation of securities' bid price for a deal from the price of the last deal has been set for the given securities, reported the press-centre of KASE.
In case of a conscious need to exceed the specified limit, the interested participant of the trades has a right to address a KASE stockbroker with a request to increase the limit not less than 15 minutes prior to the end of trading session. At that, KASE stockbroker does not have a right to refuse from satisfying of that kind of request, but has to preliminarily notify the other participants of trades about the increase in the pointed limit.
On the basis of mentioned decisions of Exchange council by the board of KASE on January 4, 2008 were confirmed changes and additions #15 (Amends) to KASE's internal document "Regulation of trades and Confirmation system work" (Regulation), which are taking effect since January 8, 2008.
By Amends is introduced the new article "Limits of prices' deviation", which foreseen the availability in trade system of limits of prices' deviation of three types: warning, surmountable and rough (insuperable).
In accordance with amends the specified 30%-ge limitation of price deviation of bid is related to category of surmountable limit of price deviation.
Updated version of the Order is available at KASE web site at http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/reglament_trade.pdf