Azerenerji Prepares Three Units with New Capacities
OREANDA-NEWS. January 9, 2008. The escalating of capacities on basis of guarantee created for power-safety of the country, will provide power effectiveness and quality of electric power of economy developing on basis of modern and progressive technologies.
One of main builе with this purpose power objects is the power station "Sangachal" which is settled at the distance of 45 km. from the capital and the construction of which successfully proceeds the primary capacity of which will make 300 mW h.
The start of testing-establishing works of three engines at this station is given at which is planned to establish 18 engines each by capacity of 16,6 mWh.
Informing about it to press-service of joint-stock company "Azerenerji" director of the station Nazir Asadov marks, that in the beginning of new 2008 year three units placed here will be connected to the network. The connection to network of these three units placed at the second hall of power station means the escalating of about 50 mWh capacity.
According to the director above-stated engines are already filled with certain oil.
N. Asadov has also noted, that 6 units of transformers, each by capacity of 63 mWh have been delivered and established at the places.
Referring to the source let us also note, that 110-kWh substation which will carry out transfer of produced electric power is built.
Except it proceed metal-constructional works directed to installation and accommodation of other equipment.
According to the chief of the project on construction Heibat Mustafayev, posting of gas line of the station carried to the territory from distance of 4,5 km. is completed.
Under the information received by us the majority of civil works is completed, works on carrying out of underground comunications are completely finished.
Informing about carried out set of the staff and their preparation in connection with the work of station director N.Asadov has noted the attraction to work of young and educated staff. Also let us note, that among the staff there are also skilled workers.
Director has also noted, that with the purpose of maintenance of fruitful work of the station with this staff are carried out preparatory courses.
Also it is necessary to note, that escalating of capacities at Sangachal will increase quality and stability of power supply of Absheron peninsula. In the future this station will play the important role in system of power supply of electric power, and also escalating of power safety of Baku and Absheron peninsula developing by big rates.