Circular Furnace Boiler Gets Recommendation for Its Application
OREANDA-NEWS. January 9, 2008. Oleg Nikulin, the Head of SibCOTES’ Ural Branch Office, took part in the Forum arranged for the participants of the President Program. The Forum was held in Moscow on December 14. Over 900 public agents and Program participants from 86 regions of the Russian Federation attended the event. The Forum summarized the results of the Program realization for the last 10 years; current trends and outlooks for the management training were also discussed at the meeting. Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, welcomed the participants of the Forum. The German Minister of Economy, Ambassadors and Cabinet members from France, Norway, Japan and other countries made presentations for the audience.
The scheduled meeting of the RF President with the top 20 graduates of the Program from different regions of the country was held under the guidance of Sergey Naryshkin, the Head of the RF Government. Mr. Nikulin from SibCOTES was invited to attend the meeting. He told the audience about the practical contribution of the managers trained under this Program and their commercial projects to the RF economy.
Over the ten years more than 50,000 new managers, capable of dealing with strategic economical objectives, were trained in Russia within the Program. Oleg Nikulin completed the President’s Program in 2001 as the Head of one of the largest enterprises in the Chelyabinsk Region. For the last two years he has been successfully managing the work of SibCOTES’ Ural Branch Office.
The exhibition held within the framework of the Forum gave a chance to the graduate-specialists of the Program to present the results of their projects. Mr. Nikulin presented SibCOTES’ invention – the circular furnace boiler, recommended for commercial application on power facilities of the country by the Council for Science and Engineering of RAO UES of Russia. The project aroused great interest in the participants of the Forum. Mr. Naryshkin, representing the Government, made special mention of SibCOTES’ innovation and confirmed the need to practically use it in the power industry.