BSGV Signs Partnership Agreement with St Petersburg State University
OREANDA-NEWS. On December 24, 2007 St. Petersburg branch of BSGV has signed a partnership agreement with St. Petersburg State University. In the framework of the agreement the Bank will grant loans to future and current students of the University on preferential terms, reported the press-centre of BSGV.
The credit rate will be 11% in US dollar, Euro and Ruble. The terms of the agreement cover all educational programs offered by the University in all its faculties. BSGV branch is also going to participate actively in student’s community life.
The agreement was signed in the framework of the “Youth Bank” project. Since 2004 the Bank has been granting educational loans for first or second education in Russia, extension courses, MBA. Apart from that BSGV loans can be used for studying abroad: language courses, first or second higher education, MBA.
More than 40 universities and business schools in Russia are BSGV partners. In Saint Petersburg the Bank has already signed partnership agreements with more than 15 educational institutions.