OREANDA-NEWS. December 24, 2007. The consumer crediting yet can not be named a favorite among other types of crediting, said the deputy-Head of Management of efficiency of channels of sales of retail business of RODOVID of Bank marked Alexander Zakharov

"The consumer crediting yet can not be named a favorite among other types of crediting. On the amount of operations is synonymous favorite, but on specific gravity in a credit brief-case - no. It can be a favorite only then, when jars will indeed be concentrated only on satisfaction of current necessities of clients in financial resources. But in any case this description touches all of types of crediting, because on this stage of development of the Ukrainian banking system of financial institution actively develop the traditional programs of crediting not only in the cut of the consumer crediting, and autocreditings, mortgage crediting and other types of crediting", - said the deputy-Head of Management of efficiency of channels of sales of retail business of RODOVID of Bank marked Alexander Zakharov.